
People judge a successful dessert intially by its first looks

Usually, people will determine whether a dessert is successfully made with delicious ingredients or not by its appearance at first, so there's no doubt that a dessert with an unique design and presenting style can attract a person's sense of sight and pass on to the sense of taste, benefiting both of the senses. Here is an example of a special designed mango-flowered dessert which is extracted from weibo in suggesting for couples can home-make this on Valentine's Day.
A mango-flowered dessert for Valentine's Day special from weibo
Although there is no recipe about how to make this dessert, only provided with the picture, we still can see that it is mainly made with mango on the top and ice-cream as the base. Actually, there are many Chinese-style desserts - especially Hong Kong desserts using mango as a major ingredient, some also with coconut milk.

Mango is a popular tropical seasonal fruit which contains rich Vitamin A, B6(pyridoxine), C & E, potassium, high fibre, copper and other valuable minerals that benefit people's health. In general, mango can help prevent cancer, lower Cholesterol, good for digestion, reduce high blood pressure, antibiotic, limit inflammation, smoothen skin, good for eyes, and alkalize the whole body. In fact, mangoes should not be stored in fridge, they should be kept in between 20~25℃ (Nutrition-and-you, 2012 & Care2, 2012).

Below is a famous Hong Kong dessert - Chilled Mango Sago Cream with Pomelo (origin in 1984 Lei Garden, Hong Kong)
Chilled Mango Sago Cream with Pomelo (Photo taken in Sweeties - China Town)
To create this dessert, we mainly require 3 mangoes, 1 can of coconut milk, 50mL condensed milk, 50g sago, syrup (a little), and 1 grapefruit with peeled as the toppings. This is a general suggestion of how to make it in a suitable taste, you can alter the amount of ingredients according to how many people you are serving, for example a big family =) (Sino Planet, 2009).

Here is a detailed direction of steps to make this dessert, sourced from Sino Planet 2009; for people who are interested and curious about the recipe.

Frozen Mango Pulp

1. Peal two mangos, cut and remove seed, cut mango into small pieces.
2. place mango pieces into a food processor and blend to a pulp.
3. add coconut milk and condensed milk (100 ML combined)
4. Whisk milk and mango mixture until it is smooth
5. add mixture to freezer and allow to solidified for 3 hours.

Sago Pearls

6. Boil a pot of hot water, poured into the sago, and cook until sago pearls are transparent.
7. carefully separate sago from water by pouring into a strainer, then risen sage with cold water in the strainer.


8. Put 2 tablespoons of sago into a dessert bowl, then add an appropriate amount of coconut milk, syrup
9. peal another mango, cut it into pieces, and place in bowl with mixture.
10. next, add cut pieces of grapefruit to bowl.
11. remove Mango Cream from freezer after it has solidified.
12. use ice cream scoop to remove one scoop of frozen mango pulp and place it in tangsui bowl.
13. Remove from the refrigerator has been solidified mango pulp, ice hockey with the ice cream scoop into the dessert bowl.

Besides, there are other types of Hong Kong desserts similar to this Chilled Mango Sago Cream with Pomelo also using mango and coconut milk as major ingredients with mixed fruits.  
                          Now for photos~!!!
Photo taken in iSweety House, China Town

Photo taken in Y2K, China Town
Photo taken in Hong Kong when having the summer break


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